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Cesare Pietroiusti

21 May 2019
3 - 7 pm
Via degli Ausoni, 1
00185, Roma
Cesare Pietroiusti Masterclass.jpg


Artist and lecturer Cesare Pietroiusti lives in Rome.
He has a degree in Medicine and graduated with a thesis on Psychiatry. He is the co-founder of the Centro Studi Jartrakor, Roma (1977) and the Rivista di Psicologia dell’Arte (1979). 


He was one of the coordinators of the residencies Oreste

(1997-2001) and the congress Come spiegare a mia madre che ciò che faccio serve a qualcosa?, Link, Bologna (1997).

He was also the co-founder of Nomads & Residents (New York, 2000), co-curator of Corso Superiore di Arti Visive della Fondazione Ratti di Como (2006-2011), member of the promoter committee of the Forum dell'Arte Contemporanea italiana, Prato (2015), and member of the collective Lu Cafausu (since 2007).

He is a teacher at IUAV’s Laboratorio Arti Visive, Venezia (since 2004) and LUCAD’s MFA Faculty (Lesley University, Boston, since 2009). 

Pietroiusti studies micro-events, paradoxical situations, behaviour and minor gestures that make up our daily life. In many cases, his anti-spectacular operations actively involve the public; sometimes
they imply a personal effort that can take the artist on the edge

of his psychological and physical limits. In recent years, his work has been focusing on the topic of the exchange on the paradoxes
that can arise in the creases of the system and the economy. 


Since 1977 he has been exhibiting in public and private spaces - both art-devoted and non-art-devoted - in Italy and abroad.

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