Alessandro Giannì
15 May 2019
From 7 pm to 12 am
Via degli Ausoni 1, 00185, Roma
“In my practice, oil painting merges with the use of new media, Internet and digital culture, to explore the connections between multiple universes, new artificial realities, mind and thought.”

Messinscèna - Intervista ad Alessandro Giannì

Messinscèna - Alessandro Giannì - Feedback
He studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma.
As part of his artistic practice, he gathers aesthetic fragments from the Internet and social networks with the aim of giving them new life. He also re-uses symbols of the history of art in order to create different landscapes and images belonging to an indefinite era. In 2014 he took part in the exhibition
Ñewpressionism curated by Greek artist Miltos Manetas.
In 2016 he was the art director of the project Ovalis, by Enrico Ghezzi and Emiliano Montanari.
On this occasion, some of his artworks were exhibited at the 73rd Mostra del Cinema di Venezia.