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Built on a Lie


Built on a Lie (2019) is a project by Numero Cromatico presented at Contemporary Cluster Gallery in Rome. The project/exhibition explored the effects of the relationship between images and text.

The exhibition included six diptychs and numerous project drawings. The diptychs were constituted by two large canvases: the first one depicting a face with a neutral expression, the other

one hosting a constellation of words with positive, negative or neutral meaning. Thanks to the methodological structure,

the viewers found themselves interpreting/perceiving those neutral faces as happy, angry, good, bad, etc. according to the type of words associated with it.

Thus, the combination of words and images created in the viewers unconscious and automatic associations. 
The aim was to study the conditioning of the observer's perception through stimuli that act on an unconscious level.

Photographs by Numero Cromatico.

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