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Guardiamo insieme il chiarore delle tenebre

un progetto di Numero Cromatico

a cura di Spazio Taverna (Ludovico Pratesi, Marco Bassan)

Pallazzo dei Consoli, Gubbio

dal 15 ottobre 2023 al 30 aprile 2024

Guardiamo insieme il chiarore delle tenebre, Biennale di Gubbio, a cura di Spazio Taverna,

Guardiamo insieme il chiarore delle tenebre is an installation presented on the occasion of the 17th Biennale di Gubbio curated by Spazio Taverna (Ludovico Pratesi and Marco Bassan).
The different elements of the installation are placed in the chapel that precedes the room of the Iguvine Tablets, the oldest historical find of pre-Roman writing in Italy, kept in the historical Palazzo dei Consoli.

The project, imagined as a multi-sensory emotional experience in the architectural space, consists of a series of new artworks: three sculptures and a panel, a print, and a limited edition book.  
The three sculptures in the room as well as the panel feature hand-engraved texts on industrial rubber and are positioned in the space almost as if tracing a path of discovery. The engraved texts are not entirely visible and prompt the viewer to look, interpret, and invent what cannot be seen.

The book Il futuro è qui, da qualche parte, inaccessible in its entirety and placed in a display case together with the print, is the third and final volume of a trilogy of poems written with the aid of artificial intelligence. In this case, the collective used S.O.N.H. (acronym for Statements Of a New Humanity) an AI instructed to generate texts about the future of humanity.

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