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Il futuro è qui

Numero Cromatico for Pesaro’s Biosfera

Curated by Marcello Smarrelli


In the context of Pesaro Capital of Culture 2024

January 10-11, 2025


Il futuro è qui is the title of the audiovisual intervention conceived for the Biosfera in Piazza del Popolo in Pesaro by Numero Cromatico. Il futuro è qui is an excerpt from Noosfera, a larger audiovisual work presented at Centro Arti Visive Pescheria as part of the exhibition Nelle regole della bellezza by Numero Cromatico and curated by Marcello Smarrelli. 


The work presents a sea of moving words, an image-stimulus in continuous transformation that urges the spectator to take an active role through a personal interpretation, immersing themselves and being carried away by the polysemic flow of the text, creating their own narration. In Il futuro è qui digital networks, poetic texts and theoretical essays merge with texts generated with the help of AIs specially instructed by the artist on themes such as the future of planet earth and human beings, the relationship between nature

and technology.

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