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Poveri Umani

A project by Numero Cromatico

in collaboration with the theatre company 

Marcido Marcidorjs e Famosa Mimosa
Esperienza - Spazio Taverna
May 16th, 2022

Poveri Umani - Numero Cromatico, immagine comunicazione.png

In a world where everything is visible and must be seen, how important is imagination?
For the Esperienza [experience] format at Spazio Taverna, Numero Cromatico called in the historic Turin theatre company Marcido Marcidorjs e Famosa Mimosa. The two merged their practices in an unusual guise - the audience was guided in an experience of relationship with others as well as with oneself. The experience constituted for the participants some sort of epiphany, one that was common as well as always different from person to person.

Short biography of Marcido Marcidorjs e Famosa Mimosa

Marcido Marcidorjs e Famosa Mimosa was born in 1984 from the artistic encounter of Marco Isidori, head director, Daniela Dal Cin, painter/scenographer, and Maria Luisa Abate, actress, who were then joined in 2000 by Paolo Oricco, actor.
Animated by strenuous experimentalism, it undertook an obsessive search for the total work of art, called '"teatro ulteriore" [further theatre]. In the performances, the actors declaim shattered phrases from classical and modern theatre texts, reducing them to musical scores.
In November 2015, at the end of its 30th anniversary, the company inaugurated the theatre MARCIDOFILM!

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