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Iconic Film

Solo show by Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella

December 10 - 14, 2020

Via degli Ausoni 1, 00185, Roma

This exhibition is part of the project

GRAN FINALE curated by Numero Cromatico

Iconic Film is a 30-minute film presented during the series of exhibitions GRAN FINALE by Numero Cromatico. Iconic Film is the result of a research that started with Iconic Film 3:30, presented during the exhibition TOTALE (2016). The artwork is here presented for the first time as a feature film for the public.


Iconic Film is a film on sensory experience. Specifically, on the experience of vision.

Iconic Film is also a film on the void, intended as the inability of cognitive access. This void is reached because of a perceptive overload, created through a procedure that leads to the saturation of the time limit of visual elaboration. Technical and theoretical instances belonging to the field of experimental psychology and structural film are used for its production. 


With Iconic Film, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella deals with the problem of visual conscience, attempting at creating a perceptive event in which the phenomenological experience of vision, which is usually short and transitory, extends in time. Iconic Film is based on experimental studies carried out in Numero Cromatico and at the Sapienza Università di Roma from 2016 to 2020. These studies investigate the cognitive processes involved in the first steps of visual elaboration of stimuli coming from the external world.

Iconic Film is the result of the influence of the experimental setting, the obtained results, their interpretation.

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