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Cosa è Messinscèna?
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Messinscèna (2019-2020) is a project by Numero Cromatico that aims at analysing the current artistic research projects through a format of one-shot exhibitions. Each event is dedicated to one artist. Only one artwork is exhibited over the course of five hours, from 7 pm to 12 am, in a dedicated space that remains unchanged for all the selected artists.
Why Messinscèna? The word has been taken from the theatrical lexicon: “messa in scena” literally “to stage” theories and research projects.
The intention is to exhibit and open a dialogue between different types of research, while trying to understand their differences and similarities – if there are any. The project wants to create a place where lines of thought, similar or divergent, can meet, acknowledging them and studying their potential implications.
Each artist was given the same exhibition space and decided
a unique form of relationship between the public and the artwork. In each five-hour event, the artist created new curatorial patterns and rules for the fruition of the artwork.
The public was asked to experience the event according to specific guidelines.
In collaboration with Untitled Association.
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