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  • Iconic Film | numerocromatico

    Iconic Film Solo show by Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella ​ December 10 - 14, 2020 Via degli Ausoni 1, 00185, Roma ​ Press Release This exhibition is part of the project GRAN FINALE curated by Numero Cromatico Iconic Film is a 30-minute film presented during the series of exhibitions GRAN FINALE by Numero Cromatico. Iconic Film is the result of a research that started with Iconic Film 3:30 , presented during the exhibition TOTALE (2016). The artwork is here presented for the first time as a feature film for the public. Iconic Film is a film on sensory experience. Specifically, on the experience of vision. Iconic Film is also a film on the void, intended as the inability of cognitive access. This void is reached because of a perceptive overload, created through a procedure that leads to the saturation of the time limit of visual elaboration. Technical and theoretical instances belonging to the field of experimental psychology and structural film are used for its production. With Iconic Film , Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella deals with the problem of visual conscience, attempting at creating a perceptive event in which the phenomenological experience of vision, which is usually short and transitory, extends in time. Iconic Film is based on experimental studies carried out in Numero Cromatico and at the Sapienza Università di Roma from 2016 to 2020. These studies investigate the cognitive processes involved in the first steps of visual elaboration of stimuli coming from the external world. Iconic Film is the result of the influence of the experimental setting, the obtained results, their interpretation. Iconic Film, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2020 Iconic Film, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2020 Iconic Film, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2020 Iconic Film, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2020 1/13

  • Cesare Pietroiusti | numerocromatico

    Cesare Pietroiusti 21 May 2019 3 - 7 pm ​ Via degli Ausoni, 1 00185, Roma ​ BIOGRAPHY Artist and lecturer Cesare Pietroiusti lives in Rome. He has a degree in Medicine and graduated with a thesis on Psychiatry. He is the co-founder of the Centro Studi Jartrakor, Roma (1977) and the Rivista di Psicologia dell’Arte (1979). He was one of the coordinators of the residencies Oreste (1997-2001) and the congress Come spiegare a mia madre che ciò che faccio serve a qualcosa? , Link, Bologna (1997). He was also the co-founder of Nomads & Residents (New York, 2000), co-curator of Corso Superiore di Arti Visive della Fondazione Ratti di Como (2006-2011), member of the promoter committee of the Forum dell'Arte Contemporanea italiana , Prato (2015), and member of the collective Lu Cafausu (since 2007). He is a teacher at IUAV ’s Laboratorio Arti Visive , Venezia (since 2004) and LUCAD’s MFA Faculty (Lesley University, Boston, since 2009). Pietroiusti studies micro-events, paradoxical situations, behaviour and minor gestures that make up our daily life. In many cases, his anti-spectacular operations actively involve the public; sometimes they imply a personal effort that can take the artist on the edge of his psychological and physical limits. In recent years, his work has been focusing on the topic of the exchange on the paradoxes that can arise in the creases of the system and the economy. Since 1977 he has been exhibiting in public and private spaces - both art-devoted and non-art-devoted - in Italy and abroad.

  • Test Verbovisivi Gagliardi | numerocromatico

    Test Verbovisivi Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi Exhibition Catalogue Numero Cromatico, Rome , 2018 ​ Risograph printing: blue 18 x 27 cm 16 pp Table of Contents: ​ ​ I dispositivi interattivi di Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi Simone Zacchini ​ ​ I Test Verbovisivi Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi ​ ​ Nascere postumi Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella ​ ​ Un'indagine possibile in campo letterario Manuel Focareta ​ ​ Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi: ricercatore impersonale sperimentale Jacopo Natoli Buy

  • Dreamask | numerocromatico

    Dreamask Istituto Svizzero di Roma 23 June 2017 Risograph Print: blue 14,8 x 21 cm During the event Inscape Rooms , curated by Giuliana Benassi at the Instituto Svizzero di Roma, we distributed envelopes containing an eye-mask and some written rules on how to remember the dream that each person had that same night or the night before. Participants were also asked to write down their dream and send it to us via email. The publication Dreamask contains all the dreams collected, anonymously, and the introduction Un Metodo per condividere l'esperienza del sogno by Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi.

  • Fabio Babiloni | numerocromatico

    Fabio Babiloni 19 February 2020 ​ 3 - 7 pm​ ​ Via degli Ausoni, 1 00185, Roma ​ BIOGRAPHY Dr. Fabio Babiloni obtained a degree in Electronic Engineering at the Sapienza Università di Roma in 1986. In 2000 he obtained a PhD in Neural Engineering at the Technological University of Helsinki, Finland. He is full professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine and he has the habilitation of full professor of Biomedical Engineering since 2014. He teaches Physiology to the students of the Medicine courses, Industrial Neuroscience to the students of the BioEngineering course,Neuroeconomy and Neuromarketing to the students of the Psychology course and Bioengineering to the students of the Biotechnology course. He supervised the master thesis of more than 250 students during the years 1990-2017. He supervised more than 30 PhD students from China, Turkey, USA and Hungary. Prof. Fabio Babiloni has published 270 papers on peer-reviewed international scientific journals recognized on PUBMED , 70 papers on IEEE-EMBS Conference (peer-reviewed published on MEDLINE ) and has a total impact factor of more than 500. His H index is 69 (Google Scholar ). Prof. Babiloni is in the list of the major cited living Italian scientists in any fields of knowledge. Prof. Fabio Babiloni is Associate Editor of two international scientific journals: IEEE Trans. On Neural System and Rehab. Engng and IEEE Trans. On Biomedical Engineering . He is also editor in chief of the International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism .

  • Sapere Diffuso | numerocromatico

    Sapere Diffuso Saperediffuso (2017) is a tool for the transmission of audio tracks that was created to produce an effect on the city’s everyday life. These outdoor speakers reproduce these tracks every day at the same time. Sapere Diffuso was presented in Cosenza and Roccabernarda (KR). The track chosen for the city of Cosenza was a text by Bernardino Telesio “BERNARDINI TELESII CONSENTINI AD JOHANNAM CASTRIOTAM CARMEN” – a poem that enhances the greatness of the philosopher from Cosenza as man, lover and scholar. In Roccabernarda (KR) the track was made up of the voices of its citizens narrating the beauties of their land. The project was developed with a group of students in collaboration with the association Arci Crotone.​ ​ Photographs by Numero Cromatico. Poster Cosenza Poster Roccabernarda 1/1

  • Tre Scenari sulla Percezione del Tempo - libro fotografico | numerocromatico

    TRE SCENARI SULLA PERCEZIONE DEL TEMPO Exhibition catalogue A publication by Numero Cromatico, Roma Size: 18 x 28 cm Risograph print | paper stock 120 g | 78 pages Buy Tre Scenari sulla Percezione del Tempo is a photographic book documenting the homonymous project by Numero Cromatico, which took place in the collective's space in Via dei Volsci 165 (Rome) from June 19, 2021, to June 19, 2022. Consisting of three consecutive exhibitions – all set up in the same space, one opening at the closing of the previous one – the exhibition was conceived as an itinerary in three acts (namely Atto I, Atto II, Atto III). Everything was designed to change from one exhibition to the next: the artworks, the interior architecture of the space, the sounds, the smells, and the modalities of fruition. This book is not intended as a catalogue, but rather as an attempt to render in the form of the image some of the impressions recorded outside and inside the installation space – before, during and after visiting the exhibition. The volume is also enriched by some critical texts and technical sheets, both narrating from different points of view (the technical, critical, and emotional ones), the space recreated in the three episodes. The project has been realised thanks to the support of the Italian Council (10th edition, 2021), a programme for the international promotion of Italian art of the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture.

  • Convivio | numerocromatico

    Convivio Press Release Convivio (2018) is a performance by Numero Cromatico that is part of the project Da Franco. Senza Appuntamento, which took place in an historical barbershop in Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, in Rome. The title comes from the metaphorical concept framed by Dante Alighieri in his Convivio. Until that point, the word “convivio” had been used to describe a feast but Dante started using it referring to a means of spreading theories and scientific studies through the use of a comprehensible language. The audience is asked to live an experience. The public could only attend the performance by agreeing to cut his/her hair. In the barbershop, six performers interpreting some of the members of Numero Cromatico dragged the public in a conversation about Numero Cromatico's research, via an accessible and informal register and style. The act was performed by Salvatore Crucitti, Antonio Duccilli, Ariela La Stella, Valerio Pitorri, Giordano Scialanga, Giovanni Sorrentino. ​ Photographs by Marzia Martucci. 1/1

  • WE | numerocromatico

    WE Solo show by Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella ​ January 18th - 20th, 2021 Via degli Ausoni 1, 00185, Roma ​ Press Release This exhibition is part of the project GRAN FINALE curated by Numero Cromatico WE - Preliminary Study is a digital film shown for the first time in the frame of the project GRAN FINALE . WE - Preliminary Study is part of WE, a broad audio-video project about intersubjective relations between human and non-human agents. Just like Iconic Film , WE deals with the topic of sensory experience, but from a different perspective. Whereas in Iconic Film the viewers find themselves actively immersed in an unusual perceptual visual experience, in WE the viewer is ‘invited’ to actually experience. This is done through the use of language, which for its own nature deletes sensory, phenomenal experience. The elements that constitute the film are reduced to bare minimum: a black and a white photogram and a robotic voice. Thanks to a synchronicity between voice and photograms, the film starts ‘talking’. But this tautology quickly breaks, and the voice and the photograms start un-synching: the film doesn’t talk anymore, only light and darkness alternate while a robotic voice keeps repeating a fragmented mantra. In such circumstances, what is the public looking at and what is the role of this voice? WE is a broad project that delves into the topic of intersubjective relation, building a bridge between experimental cinema and neuroaesthetics, in a different way compared to that of the embodied cognition. In WE there are no actors, bodies nor camera movements. It is a “disembodied” cinema. With this project Numero Cromatico opens to the study of dynamics and essential grammar of experimental cinema, in which lines, symmetries and rhythms are confronted with psychological processes that underlie processes such as empathy, identification, distinction between the self and the other. WE - Preliminary Study, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2021 WE - Preliminary Study, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2021 WE - Preliminary Study, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2021 WE - Preliminary Study, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2021 1/10

  • Alberto Oliverio | numerocromatico

    Alberto Oliverio 18 June 2019 3 - 7 pm ​ Via degli Ausoni, 1 00185, Roma ​ BIOGRAPHY Alberto Oliverio is Professor Emeritus of Psychobiology at the Sapienza Università di Roma, where he is part of the Centro di Neurobiologia. He has worked in many international research centres such as the Karolinska in Stockholm, the Brain Research Institute of UCLA in Los Angeles, the Jackson Laboratory in Maine, the Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory of the University of California in Irvine. From 1976 to 2002 he was director of the Istituto di Psicobiologia e Psicofarmacologia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. He is member of the editorial board of many scientific journals. He has organised and participated in numerous congresses in the field of neuroscience and behavioural biology and, more generally, on the relationship between science and society. He is the author of more than 400 scientific publications and essays such as Biologia e filosofia della mente (Laterza, 1995; 1999), L’arte di ricordare (Rizzoli, 1998) Esplorare la mente (Raffaello Cortina, 1999), Prima lezione di neuroscienze (Laterza, 2002; 2008). His recent essays concern the relationship between behaviour and brain structures (Geografia della mente , Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2008), the links between brain and unconsciousness (La vita nascosta del cervello , Giunti, 2009) and those between brain and mind (Cervello , Bollati Boringhieri, 2011). His latest essay is called Immaginazione e memoria (Mondadori Università, 2013).

  • Potrei diventare parte di te | Numero Cromatico

    Potrei diventare parte di te T293 Via Ripense, 6, 00153 Roma Opening: June 1, 2022, from 6 pm to 8 pm On show from June 1 to July 9, 2022 Press release T293 is pleased to present Potrei diventare parte di te , Numero Cromatico’s first gallery exhibition part of our Also on View project space. Founded in 2011, Numero Cromatico’s artistic research is based on the scientific approach to art, with a focus on neuroaesthetics, aesthetic psychology, literature, digital humanities and visual communication. The members of the collective are researchers with backgrounds both in visual arts and neuroscience. Throughout the years, their artistic practice has evolved into different directions, including painting, environmental installations, artificial intelligence, as well as editorial and curatorial projects. For the exhibition the collective presents new works of the series “Sempre Vivi” (2021-ongoing), which consists of flower mosaics on which texts generated by an Artificial Intelligence can be read. For this body of work Numero Cromatico makes use of P.O.E. (acronym for Poetry Of the End), an AI instructed by the collective to write texts about the end. The project room is set up so that the public can enjoy the works but also live an enriched aesthetic experience. In fact, the collective, as usual, presents its work by also acting on the architecture of the space, through additional tactile, olfactory, visual and sound elements, in order to activate a deep relationship with the visitor.

  • Somnium | Numero Cromatico

    Somnium A project by Numero Cromatico in collaboration with Untitled Association Artefiera Bologna INGRESSO NORD - PADIGLIONI 15/18 May 13/15, 2022 Press Preview on May 12, 2022 Press Release Limited edition print Scrivevo una lettera I miei sentimenti Il mare si apre Tu ed io Voglio capire Guardavo le nuvole Untitled Association presents Somnium - a project by Numero Cromatico specifically designed for Artefiera Bologna. Part of ART AS SUPERNORMAL STIMULUS - winner of the Italian Council X call for proposals, launched by MiC - Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea, the project is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the two entities, which have been working together for years on various artistic and editorial projects. At the fair, both staff and the public will be offered an authentic and shared oneiric performance by the collective. From the very first day, a device for triggering oneiric activity will be distributed to the public. It comes in the shape of a package with precise instructions to be followed before falling asleep - a means for stimulating oneiric activity and recalling its contents upon awakening. Each day hundreds of devices will be distributed to be used the same night. A transcript of the contents and/or feelings evoked by the dream is to be sent the following morning. Over the course of the three days of the fair, the dreams will be exhibited at Untitled Association’s booth, creating an art installation, from which similarities and differences across participants’ oneiric contents will emerge. The texts will also form both an archive and an anthology of tales that will be collected in a digital edition available online. Numero Cromatico has been focusing on the topic of dreams for several years now, especially in relation to the brain mechanisms involved and the central creative activity this state activates in all of us. The project falls within Numero Cromatico’s art practice, which promotes a particular approach to artworks through artistic, scientific and editorial projects, that are based on the following core values: interdisciplinarity, interaction, the artist’s expressive abstinence, minimality, sensoriality, physical and psychological participation of the public, embodiment, and the study of emotions. The project is supported by the Italian Council (10th edition, 2021) program - Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture.

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