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  • Fabio Babiloni | numerocromatico

    Fabio Babiloni 19 February 2020 ​ 3 - 7 pm​ ​ Via degli Ausoni, 1 00185, Roma ​ BIOGRAPHY Dr. Fabio Babiloni obtained a degree in Electronic Engineering at the Sapienza Università di Roma in 1986. In 2000 he obtained a PhD in Neural Engineering at the Technological University of Helsinki, Finland. He is full professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine and he has the habilitation of full professor of Biomedical Engineering since 2014. He teaches Physiology to the students of the Medicine courses, Industrial Neuroscience to the students of the BioEngineering course,Neuroeconomy and Neuromarketing to the students of the Psychology course and Bioengineering to the students of the Biotechnology course. He supervised the master thesis of more than 250 students during the years 1990-2017. He supervised more than 30 PhD students from China, Turkey, USA and Hungary. Prof. Fabio Babiloni has published 270 papers on peer-reviewed international scientific journals recognized on PUBMED , 70 papers on IEEE-EMBS Conference (peer-reviewed published on MEDLINE ) and has a total impact factor of more than 500. His H index is 69 (Google Scholar ). Prof. Babiloni is in the list of the major cited living Italian scientists in any fields of knowledge. Prof. Fabio Babiloni is Associate Editor of two international scientific journals: IEEE Trans. On Neural System and Rehab. Engng and IEEE Trans. On Biomedical Engineering . He is also editor in chief of the International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism .

  • Poesie Manuel Focareta | numerocromatico

    Poesie Manuel Focareta Exhibition Catalogue Numero Cromatico, Rome, 2018 ​ Risograph Printing: orange 18 x 27 cm 16 pp Table of Contents: ​ ​ Manuel Focareta: superamento e contestualizzazione dell'indagine poetica Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi ​ Manuel Focareta. Poesia contemporanea, metodo e implicazioni Angelica Gatto ​ ​ Le poesie che non ho scritto Manuel Focareta ​ ​ Il singolo, l'ispirazione e la ricerca empirica Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella ​ ​ Un nuovo modo di "far versi" Marco Marini ​ Poesie? Jacopo Natoli Buy

  • Marta Mancini | numerocromatico

    Messinscèna Marta Mancini 16 January 2020 ​ From 7 pm to 12 am Via degli Ausoni 1, 00185, Roma “The process of erasing results into a reduction of the moves left for me to play with, until I start perceiving it as a process of reconfiguration and discovery. My research is still ongoing and I can only observe the results little by little, painting by painting. In this meta-pictorial space, I am interested in seeking something that is alive, which has its own animism.” Messinscèna | Marta Mancini Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Marta Mancini | Feedback Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied MARTA MANCINI (Rome, 1981) She lives and works in Rome and in 2006 she graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti. Moving from the aesthetic and psychological dimension of her early landscapes, Marta Mancini’s current work reframes this dynamic within the creation of a meta-pictorial space. Selected solo exhibitions: La molla , curated by P. Guaglianone, Matèria, Rome (2018); Abita , curated by P. Guaglianone, galleria S.A.L.E.S, Rome (2012); Ospiti, curated by A. Sarra, 34 Angeli, Rome (2010). Among recent group exhibitions: View/Openwork , a focus on painting, curated by S. Camerlengo,Galleria Monitor, Roma (2019); Hdrà Prize , curated by V. Ciarallo, Palazzo Fiano, Rome (2019); Lissone Prize for Painting , curated by A. Zanchetta, MAC, Lissone (2018); Reazione a catena #2 , curated by G. Pisapia, Galleria Bonelli, Milan (2018); The HP Collection, curated by C. Pratis, M. de Mattei, Operativa Arte Contemporanea, Rome (2018); Dialogue #1 , Matèria, Frontiera Studio, Palermo (2018); Rosina #1 – Spectrum , curated by G. Benassi, Limone, London (2018); La vita della mente , curated by G. Benassi, Swiss Institute, Rome (2017). Comunicato Stampa

  • Iconic Film | numerocromatico

    Iconic Film Solo show by Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella ​ December 10 - 14, 2020 Via degli Ausoni 1, 00185, Roma ​ Press Release This exhibition is part of the project GRAN FINALE curated by Numero Cromatico Iconic Film is a 30-minute film presented during the series of exhibitions GRAN FINALE by Numero Cromatico. Iconic Film is the result of a research that started with Iconic Film 3:30 , presented during the exhibition TOTALE (2016). The artwork is here presented for the first time as a feature film for the public. Iconic Film is a film on sensory experience. Specifically, on the experience of vision. Iconic Film is also a film on the void, intended as the inability of cognitive access. This void is reached because of a perceptive overload, created through a procedure that leads to the saturation of the time limit of visual elaboration. Technical and theoretical instances belonging to the field of experimental psychology and structural film are used for its production. With Iconic Film , Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella deals with the problem of visual conscience, attempting at creating a perceptive event in which the phenomenological experience of vision, which is usually short and transitory, extends in time. Iconic Film is based on experimental studies carried out in Numero Cromatico and at the Sapienza Università di Roma from 2016 to 2020. These studies investigate the cognitive processes involved in the first steps of visual elaboration of stimuli coming from the external world. Iconic Film is the result of the influence of the experimental setting, the obtained results, their interpretation. Iconic Film, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2020 Iconic Film, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2020 Iconic Film, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2020 Iconic Film, Gran Finale, Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella, Roma, 2020 1/13

  • Enjambement | numerocromatico

    Enjambement Enjambement (2014) is an interview project made during exhibition openings. The aim is to document the opinions of art experts and enthusiasts during shows and events in galleries, museums and fairs. The intention is to highlight the trends and weaknesses of the contemporary art system. Youtube Channel

  • Caffè Scienza Lo Sguardo delle Neuro | numerocromatico

    Caffè Scienza A neuroscientific approach to art 25 November 2019 ​ Via degli Ausoni 1 00185, Roma ​ Curated by FormaScienza In collaboration with Numero Cromatico Speakers: Fabio Babiloni, scientist Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi, artist and researcher During this informal event, we discussed how science can measure and interpret some simple mental states while we perceive an artwork and also how an artist can use these data for producing them. Is it possible to calculate the amount of emotions felt during the observation and listening of artworks such as paintings, sculptures, books or music? Is it conceivable for an artist to base his/her research on experimental data and create new synergies? Will these factors change our evaluation of beauty and the link between citizens and art fruition in the future? Press Release

  • Somnium | Numero Cromatico

    Somnium A project by Numero Cromatico in collaboration with Untitled Association Artefiera Bologna INGRESSO NORD - PADIGLIONI 15/18 May 13/15, 2022 Press Preview on May 12, 2022 Press Release Limited edition print Scrivevo una lettera I miei sentimenti Il mare si apre Tu ed io Voglio capire Guardavo le nuvole Untitled Association presents Somnium - a project by Numero Cromatico specifically designed for Artefiera Bologna. Part of ART AS SUPERNORMAL STIMULUS - winner of the Italian Council X call for proposals, launched by MiC - Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea, the project is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the two entities, which have been working together for years on various artistic and editorial projects. At the fair, both staff and the public will be offered an authentic and shared oneiric performance by the collective. From the very first day, a device for triggering oneiric activity will be distributed to the public. It comes in the shape of a package with precise instructions to be followed before falling asleep - a means for stimulating oneiric activity and recalling its contents upon awakening. Each day hundreds of devices will be distributed to be used the same night. A transcript of the contents and/or feelings evoked by the dream is to be sent the following morning. Over the course of the three days of the fair, the dreams will be exhibited at Untitled Association’s booth, creating an art installation, from which similarities and differences across participants’ oneiric contents will emerge. The texts will also form both an archive and an anthology of tales that will be collected in a digital edition available online. Numero Cromatico has been focusing on the topic of dreams for several years now, especially in relation to the brain mechanisms involved and the central creative activity this state activates in all of us. The project falls within Numero Cromatico’s art practice, which promotes a particular approach to artworks through artistic, scientific and editorial projects, that are based on the following core values: interdisciplinarity, interaction, the artist’s expressive abstinence, minimality, sensoriality, physical and psychological participation of the public, embodiment, and the study of emotions. The project is supported by the Italian Council (10th edition, 2021) program - Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture.

  • TRASPARENZA | numerocromatico

    TRASPARENZA Pubblicazione dati in adempimento agli obblighi disposti dall’art. 1, comma 125, della legge 124/2017 per l’anno 2023 1. Contributo di euro 3.075,75 a seguito della circolare n.52 Disciplina della concessione dei contributi finalizzati alla organizzazione di convegni e alla pubblicazione di volumi di rilevante interesse culturale promossi o organizzati da associazioni, fondazioni ed altri organismi senza scopo di lucro Data concessione: 04.12.2023 Autorità concedente: Direzione Generale Educazione, Ricerca e Istituti Culturali Pubblicazione dati in adempimento agli obblighi disposti dall’art. 1, comma 125, della legge 124/2017 per l’anno 2022 ​ 1. Contributo di euro 2.798,00 a seguito della circolare n.1 Disciplina della concessione dei contributi finalizzati alla organizzazione di convegni e alla pubblicazione di volumi di rilevante interesse culturale promossi o organizzati da associazioni, fondazioni ed altri organismi senza scopo di lucro Data concessione: 05.09.2022 Autorità concedente: Direzione Generale Educazione, Ricerca e Istituti Culturali 2. Contributo di euro 7.500,00 a seguito del bando Italian Council X - AVVISO PUBBLICO PER IL FINANZIAMENTO DI PROGETTI CULTURALI FINALIZZATI ALLA PROMOZIONE, PRODUZIONE, CONOSCENZA, DIFFUSIONE DELLA CREAZIONE CONTEMPORANEA ITALIANA IN ITALIA E ALL’ESTERO NEL CAMPO DELLE ARTI VISIVE - Nota n. 8445 Data concessione: 05.12.2022 Autorità concedente: Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea Pubblicazione dati in adempimento agli obblighi disposti dall’art. 1, comma 125, della legge 124/2017 per l’anno 2021 1. Contributo di euro 17.402,05 a seguito dell’ AVVISO PUBBLICO PER LA CONCESSIONE DI CONTRIBUTI ECONOMICI Al PROGRAMMI PER L'ANNO 2020 CONDIZIONATI DALL'EMERGENZA EPIDEMIOLOGICA COVID-19 - ai sensi dell'art.5, comma 1, lett. a) del Regolamento per la concessione di contributi e per l'attribuzione di vantaggi economici a sostegno delle attività culturali in attuazione dell'articolo 12 della legge 7 agosto 1990, n. 241 approvato con la deliberazione di Assemblea Capitolina n. 82 del 7 novembre 2019 Data concessione: 22.03.2021 e 25.10.2021 Autorità concedente: Comune di Roma 2. Contributo di euro 1.000,00 a seguito del “Bando di selezione Sala Santa Rita 2021” Data concessione: 22.09.2021 Autorità concedente: Azienda Speciale Palaexpo 3. Contributo di euro 7.500,00 a seguito del bando Italian Council X - AVVISO PUBBLICO PER IL FINANZIAMENTO DI PROGETTI CULTURALI FINALIZZATI ALLA PROMOZIONE, PRODUZIONE, CONOSCENZA, DIFFUSIONE DELLA CREAZIONE CONTEMPORANEA ITALIANA IN ITALIA E ALL’ESTERO NEL CAMPO DELLE ARTI VISIVE - Nota n. 8445 Data concessione: 22.12.2021 Autorità concedente: Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea Pubblicazione dati in adempimento agli obblighi disposti dall’art. 1, comma 125, della legge 124/2017 per l’anno 2020 1. Contributo di euro 5.594,43 a seguito del bando Exhibit Program - AVVISO PUBBLICO PER IL CONTRIBUTO FINANZIARIO A PROGETTI CULTURALI FINALIZZATI ALLA REALIZZAZIONE DI EVENTI ESPOSITIVI DI ARTE CONTEMPORANEA ITALIANA PROMOSSI DA MUSEI PUBBLICI ED ENTI CULTURALI PRIVATI SENZA SCOPO DI LUCRO - Nota n. 1619 Data concessione: 09.12.2020 Autorità concedente: Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea 2.Contributo di euro 2.000,00 a seguito delle misure a sostegno per l’emergenza epidemiologica Covid-19 - Decreto Rilancio - ART. 25 DL N. 34 DEL 2020 Data concessione: 18.11.2020 Autorità concedente: Agenzia delle Entrate 3. Contributo di euro 4.000,00 a seguito delle misure a sostegno per l’emergenza epidemiologica Covid-19 - Decreto Ristori - ART. 1 DL N. 137 DEL 2020 Data concessione: 26.11.2020 Autorità concedente: Agenzia delle Entrate

  • Hobit (Podcast) | numerocromatico

    HOBIT Uno sguardo all’arte attraverso gli occhi delle neuroscienze ​ A podcast by Numero Cromatico - ITALIAN EPISODES HOBIT is a podcast showcasing meetings, workshops and seminars from 2019 to the present. Each appointment turns its attention to a topic thanks to the intervention of experts in the field. ​ HOBIT explores the cognitive mechanisms underlying aesthetic experience, deals with the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to art and analyses contemporary phenomena. The aim is to show to a wide audience studies and methodologies often known only to specialists. > Podcast Progetto realizzato grazie al sostegno dell’Italian Council (X edizione, 2021), programma di promozione internazionale dell’arte italiana della Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero della Cultura. INTRODUZIONE ​ > un'introduzione al primo podcast di Numero Cromatico IL TEATRO COME AMPLIFICAZIONE DEL CORPO E DELLA VOCE ​ Paolo Oricco e Maria Luisa Abate in conversazione con Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi REALE VIRTUALE. LA SFIDA DEGLI AMBIENTI IMMERSIVI Andrea Pinotti ​ ​ EKPHRASIS D'AUTORE: UN GENERE DI SUPERSTIMOLO? EMOZIONI INNANZI AL PAESAGGIO MARINO DI FRIEDRICH DI HEINRICH VON KLEIST ​ Grazia Pulvirenti e Renata Gambino DANZA E CERVELLO: IL MOVIMENTO COME PRATICA EMPATICA DI CONOSCENZA ​ Delfina Stella BELLEZZA E CERVELLO: NUOVE FRONTIERE PER LA RICERCA ARTISTICA ​ ​ Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi ARTE E PSICOANALISI NELL'ORIZZONE DELL'ESTINZIONE​ ​ Franco "Bifo" Berardi IL POTERE DELLE IMMAGINI TRA ARTE E NEUROSCIENZE ​ Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi in conversazione con David Freedberg ​ ​ ARTE DEL TATTO. LA SENSIBILITA' TATTILE DAL FUTURISMO A NUMERO CROMATICO Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi ​ ​ CORPI CHE CONTANO: UN APPROCCIO COGNITIVO ALLE FIGURINE DEL PALEOLITICO Michele Cometa ​ ​ ACCESSIBILITÀ ALL’ARTE OLTRE IL VISIBILE: TRADUZIONI TATTILI E SINESTESIA Dina Riccò ​ IL CON-TATTO TRA LETTORE E TESTO: L'IMPATTO DELLA LETTERATURA SULLA PERCEZIONE DEL SE' E DELL'ALTRO ​ Giulia Scapin e Cristina Loi ​ IL DITO NELLA PIEGA: IL TATTO COME CONFINE TRA FISICITÀ E VIRTUALITÀ ​ Daniela Cotimbo I SENSI E LA RIPRODUCIBILITÀ TECNICA ​ ​ Emanuele Arielli LO SPAZIO TATTILE DEL CORPO ​ Virgilio Sieni in conversazione con Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi

  • Attraverso le tue parole

    Attraverso le tue parole Co_Atto, meta_fair #2 moving with_in the complex: independent curating in collaboration with Untitled Association ​ Porta Garibaldi, Milano 30 March - 20 May 2022 Comunicato Stampa “Attraverso le tue parole” (2022) is a project by Numero Cromatico designed for co_atto’s project space in Milan. The installation is composed by eight artworks which will be for the first time on show at meta_fair #2. The artworks are hand-made tapestries characterised by a distinct tactile surface and a modular poem written by I.L.Y. (acronym for I Love You) - Numero Cromatico’s Artificial Intelligence trained to write love poems. The arrangement of the artworks is not fixed, rather it can be altered in many ways, producing numerous semantic possibilities. The poem can thus mutate with each and every installation, based on the different juxtaposition of the verses and the selection of the exhibited pieces. The materials, colours and the setting of the eight elements constitute an artificial landscape, with the aim of activating spectators’ multisensorial ​and introspective experience.

  • Eternal struggle of my desire | Numero Cromatico

    Eternal struggle of my desire Curated by Ludovico Pratesi and Marco Bassan (Spazio Taverna) Museo Nazionale Romano | Crypta Balbi Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31, 00186 Rome ​ The exhibition is open from 12th November to 11th December, 2022 from Tuesday to Sunday, 11:00 am - 18:00 pm Press Kit Catalogo Limited edition print Eternal struggle of my desire From November 12 to December 11, 2022, Museo Nazionale Romano will be hosting at Crypta Balbi venue the project Eternal struggle of my desire , conceived by Numero Cromatico - a collective that has been operating for 11 years internationally. The exhibition falls within Spazio Taverna’s project on the renewal of the Genius Loci, something that is set to be obtained through the contamination between contemporary art and archaeology. The collective presents a project that is scattered across the underground archaeological areas of Crypta Balbi, building a bridge with unprecedented artworks from the Arazzi series (2021 – ongoing). Numero Cromatico’s research spans both the mechanisms of human perception in relation to artworks and the design of environmental settings and multi-sensory pathways, by also including the use of natural materials and artificial intelligence for the construction of ambiguous devices triggering the observer. A text generated by I.L.Y. (I Love You) – an artificial intelligence trained by Numero Cromatico to write love poems – is woven on the tactile surface of the artwork. ​ Neuroaesthetic experiment at Crypta Balb i With the scientific collaboration of BrainSigns ​ The aim of the study was to investigate aesthetic appreciation responses, through explicit questions, and neurophysiological responses, through EEG, HR, GSR and eye-tracking measurements, when confronted with artworks exhibited at Crypta Balbi.

  • Finale | numerocromatico

    Finale Show by Numero Cromatico ​ January 25-28, 2021 Via degli Ausoni 1, 00185, Roma ​ Empty space, lights out, wrapped artworks. Numero Cromatico ends its season at the Pastificio Cerere. ​ ​ This exhibition is part of the project GRAN FINALE curated by Numero Cromatico ​ Press Release Finale, Gran Finale, Numero Cromatico, Roma, 2021 Finale, Gran Finale, Numero Cromatico, Roma, 2021 Finale, Gran Finale, Numero Cromatico, Roma, 2021 Finale, Gran Finale, Numero Cromatico, Roma, 2021 1/16

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